First Chinese Cooking Lesson - Eggs & Tomatoes
One evening I had commented that the Eggs & Tomatoes dish for dinner was one of the best things I had ever eaten. So earlier this week, my hosts said we would have it again and their cook would show me how to make it. My directions below are general (the cook was like my mother, a little of this and a little of that) so you may have to experiment to get it right; but, you should try it, it is wonderful!

Pre-heat your wok. Break two eggs into a bowl, add about a teaspoon of salt and stir with your chop sticks. Peel and slice three or four tomatoes. When the wok is hot, add enough oil to cook the eggs. Add eggs to oil and cook until done. They become like a pancake; flip them over to complete cooking; then, pull the eggs apart with your chop sticks into smaller pieces. Add tomatoes and about two tablespoons of sugar, stir and cook until done. You may need to experiment with the salt and sugar to get the dish to your taste.
Anyone familiar with this dish and can add specifics, please comment below.
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