• ChinaBooks.ch
  • Wednesday, November 08, 2006

    Lunch at YMCA or Jintang School

    Monday through Friday lunch is provided for me and other staff members at the Chengdu YMCA and the Jintang Primary School.In the picture above is a typical lunch -- with a meat and vegetable dish and a vegetable dish served on the plate, a bowl of hot soup, and a bowl of rice with a pickled vegetable option. The meals are delicious and substantial and regularly contain vegetables which are new to me. There are apparently about 330 Chinese vegetables -- a much larger variety than I have experienced at home. Some are familiar to me; some are new to me. I have not found any I did not like!
    The YMCA has a staff dining room, shown above, with kitchen. Up to nine YMCA staff members join each day at noon for lunch and fellowship. Each month the staff members pay an amount to cover the costs of the food served.


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